The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Presents Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights to Celebrate 80th Anniversary

AMTV, LOS ANGELES, June 25 — The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation (LA County Parks), with the support of the County of Los Angeles Board Supervisors Lindsey P. Horvath, Third District, and Hilda L. Solis, First District, adopted today the Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights to celebrate 80 years of connecting Los Angeles County residents to parks and nature for public health, healthy child development, and adult well-being. To commemorate this major milestone, LA County Parks is launching the “Let’s Play Outside” campaign, offering free programming to all kids during the month of July.

LA County Parks was founded on July 1, 1944, following a decision from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to merge the Department of Parks and the Department of Recreation, Camps and Playgrounds. Today, LA County Parks manages over 183 park facilities, 16 wildlife and wildflower sanctuaries that include 20 golf courses, 41 public swimming pools, 25 equestrian amenities, 14 bodies of water (including 3 recreational and boating lakes) and 9 nature centers. In addition, it has over 240 miles of multi-use trails, 475 sport facilities and two iconic concert facilities: The Hollywood Bowl and John Anson Ford Theater.

The Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights and the “Let’s Play Outside” campaign commits to providing all children, regardless of race, income, gender identity, ability, geographic location, or type of home, with 10 essential experiences to celebrate childhood. These include: 1. Play Outdoors, 2. Explore Nature, 3. Splash in a Pool, 4. Go Fishing, 5. Follow a Trail, 6. Camp Under the Stars, 7. Ride a Bike, 8. Go Boating in a Lake, 9. Connect with Wildlife, and 10. Plant a Seed. LA County Parks will offer a range of activities, including bike classes, seed planting, sports, boating, guided trails, fishing, and many more!

“Connecting our community to nature and parks has been our core mission since our founding 80 years ago, and our world-class facilities and programming would not be possible without the support of our dedicated staff,” said Norma E. García-González, Director of LA County Parks. “The Department has played a significant role in Los Angeles County’s history, from having the first racially integrated golf course to preserving ecological and culturally significant sites. Today, we continue the mission of providing park access and resources for all through our ‘Let’s Play Outside’ campaign, which will provide children across LA County with free programming in July.”

“We are thrilled to celebrate 80 years of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation by launching the Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights and the ‘Let’s Play Outside’ campaign,” said Los Angeles County Board Chair Lindsey P. Horvath, Third District. “Outdoor spaces are vital for the well-being of young people and all our communities. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, can experience the joy and benefits of nature and our parks. Let’s make this July a month of adventure, learning, and fun for our young people across LA County.”

“This Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights is so fitting and timely because we know all children – particularly children who live in areas where they are exposed to high levels of indoor and outdoor pollution – still don’t have equal access to clean air and green spaces where they can stretch their minds and bodies,” said Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, who represents the First District. “The ‘Let’s Play Outside’ campaign will go a long way to ensure every child has a place where they can swim and hike or just explore – regardless of their zip code – and help create a new generation empowered with healthier minds and bodies.”

“It is inspiring to see the impact of 80 years of the LA County Parks & Recreation Department’s dedicated service. With the adoption of the Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights and the launch of the ‘Let’s Play Outside’ campaign, we are reaffirming our commitment to providing every resident with outdoor experiences that promote healthy habits and foster community connections for generations to come,” shared Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, who represents the Second District. “These efforts are especially vital for communities of color where access to green spaces is disproportionately limited and as we plan for the next 80 years of expanding access to the life-changing benefits that our parks provide and that all young people deserve and need.”

“For 80 years, LA County’s Department of Parks and Recreation has not only preserved beautiful open space, but created opportunities for kids to play, for families to spend quality time, and for communities to come together,” said Los Angeles County Board Supervisor, Janice Hahn, Fourth District. “There are few things more precious to our neighborhoods than our parks, and we should continue to create more. Just last year, we transformed an abandoned lot in one of the densest communities in my district into a pocket park that residents of all ages are enjoying.”

“For 80 years, our Los Angeles County parks have offered safe, beautiful spaces for children and their families to make joyful and lasting memories together,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Fifth District. “Whether you’re playing sports, splashing in the pool, watching an outdoor movie, or learning a new skill in a class, there is summer fun for people of all ages and interests at our County parks. I encourage residents to celebrate Parks and Recreation’s 80th birthday by enjoying and exploring all the great things they have to offer.”

In efforts to expand program offerings, LA County Parks is proud to partner with Rancho Los Amigos and Special Olympics to offer its Adaptive Sports programming for free at select park locations. Attendees can also register for free Ride A Bike classes hosted by partners from Bike LA, Active SGV, and Eastside Riders at select park locations across the county.

Additionally, for the 80th anniversary, LA County Parks has curated a collection of historic photos of many park playgrounds throughout the years available to view at Yesterday’s Playgrounds ( This virtual exhibit features 55 images of historic playgrounds, architectural plans, and playground advertisements that span 53 years of program design. Images date back from 1937 to 1980 with the majority of photos from 1950’s to 1960’s which marked a period of rapid growth for both LA County Parks and Los Angeles County.


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